Founded as Marian College in 1936 by the Congregation of Sisters of St. 艾格尼丝, Marian University is a co-educational, 天主教大学,激励个人和职业上的成功,通过参与, values-based education. 平均每班13名学生,师生比例为11:1, students at Marian University partake in multiple cooperative, 动手学习的经验,允许整合课堂理论和实际工作经验. 十大电子游戏网站的学生毕业时做好了充分的准备,可以在各自的领域开始令人兴奋的职业生涯,也可以进入全国各地严格的研究生和专业课程.

Why Marian University

无论你是想开始你的本科旅程还是继续你的教育硕士:以学生为中心的在线课程, at Marian University we believe in you. And we are prepared to 与你同行 当你达到你的最大潜力,对我们这个复杂和不断变化的世界产生影响.

作为一个Sabre意味着沉浸在一个小的大学社区与一个大的心. 在这里,教授和同学们彼此认识,愿意加入你,帮助你度过一生的职业发展之旅. 十大电子游戏网站是创造永恒记忆的地方,也是世界公民成为创新者的地方. 在这里,你的大学经历将是有意义的,令人兴奋的,你永远不会忘记的.


100 out of 100 students receive some form of financial aid

Small School Big Heart.

Whether you’re just starting out, wrapping things up, or changing the path of your educational journey, you’re in good hands. 我们的顾问在这里帮助你到达你想要的地方(虚拟或6英尺的距离)!).

80% of students qualify for need-based aid
our average class size is 13 with a student-to-faculty ratio of 11:1
the average freshman award is $27,237
with 40+ majors we offer something for everyone

We sponsor 22 NCAA sports and four club teams

本科 applicants’

Get Started Today

本科 Experience


With 40+ majors, Marian University has what you are looking for. If you’re undecided, we’ll help you explore before choosing.

Students Making an Impact



虽然她在佩刀女子篮球队担任控球后卫四年,但她被评为2018年小阿瑟·阿什. 这位刚毕业的学生每学期都被评为优秀运动员和教务长名单。他还领导了无数的大学努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人.

研究生 ready for Florida-based job

Marian community helps student net a job well before receiving diploma
主修管理信息系统,辅修信息技术, Will Polczynski knows all about the value of connections. Having graduated on Friday, the New Berlin, 威斯康星州c., 在十大电子游戏网站学习期间,native确实学到了很多关于计算机内部工作原理的知识,但这是他与学生们建立的联系, 工作人员, 那些让他找到全职工作的老师们在他毕业之前就排好了队.

Students Making an Impact



虽然她在佩刀女子篮球队担任控球后卫已经四年了,但她被评为2018年小阿瑟·阿什. 体育学者,每学期都入选优秀运动员和院长名单,大四的她还领导了无数的大学努力去帮助那些有需要的人.

研究生 ready for Florida-based job

Marian community helps student net a job well before receiving diploma
主修管理信息系统,辅修信息技术, Will Polczynski knows all about the value of connections. Having graduated on Friday, the New Berlin, 威斯康星州c., 在十大电子游戏网站学习期间,native确实学到了很多关于计算机内部工作原理的知识,但这是他与学生们建立的联系, 工作人员, 那些让他找到全职工作的老师们在他毕业之前就排好了队.

Student Career Outcomes

我们的 Psychology program 提供直接的专业工作经验和指导,从教师,导致 93% of our graduates have job placement after graduation.

Every graduate of our 平面艺术 program has been employed within six months 毕业后的.

In 2019 all of our Radiologic Technology 毕业生发现 career placement within six months 第一次通过美国放射技师注册考试.

经过数小时由教师主导的临床和高保真模拟体验, 97%的 护理程序 students pass the NCLEX-RN on their first attempt.

每一个 Writing program graduate who elected to pursue an advanced degree was accepted into a graduate school within six months 毕业后的.

每个成员 英语课程 who elected to pursue an advanced degree was accepted into a graduate school within six months 毕业后的.

MPath 在线 Experience

MPath是十大电子游戏网站以学生为中心的在线教育平台,专为想要个性化的成人学习者创建, flexible education. 在线教育项目的发展与玛丽安的核心价值观相同,这也是学生们所期望的, 同时为独特的学生铺平道路,以推进他们的教育和事业.

在线 Students Making an Impact


蒂姆•迈耶(Tim Meyer)第一次试图攻读硕士学位时空手而归.

With his wife Lori Meyer having just given birth to their third child, 这位阿斯伯里大学(Asbury University)的十大电子游戏网站第一次被救世军(Salvation Army)任命,结果证明他太过投入,无法完成研究生学位,无法更好地为组织服务, 会众, 和社区.

Amazing at Marian: Alumni Stories – Jonathan Heller

When Jonathan came to Marian University’s Thanatology Program, 他和他的妻子, 莱恩, 在世界上最贫穷的国家之一建立了第一家临终关怀医院. Here is the story of their amazing journey to lift others in crisis.

在线 Students Making an Impact


蒂姆•迈耶(Tim Meyer)第一次试图攻读硕士学位时空手而归.

With his wife Lori Meyer having just given birth to their third child, 这位阿斯伯里大学(Asbury University)的十大电子游戏网站第一次被救世军(Salvation Army)任命,结果证明他太过投入,无法完成研究生学位,无法更好地为组织服务, 会众, 和社区.


If a critical incident occurs at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, Angela Polcyn is part of the team the 工作人员 turns to in its aftermath. 这只是丧亲协调员在她的死亡学生涯中所扮演的众多角色之一, but all of them in some form go back to the Brandon, 威斯康星州. native’s desire to help others cope.

MPath 在线 Advantage

注册护士、呼吸治疗师、牙科保健师、放射技师和超声波技师 take their careers to the next level by completing their bachelor’s degree in one of five healthcare specialties.

我们提供 Most Affordable 在线 Master’s Psychology Degree Program in 威斯康星州consin, according to 在线U.org.

在线 students earn a degree through one of three MPath delivery methods: Flexible Program, 7-Week Accelerated, or 15-Week Semester.

我们的 刑事司法 program is the 4th-ranked Best 刑事司法 Program in 威斯康星州consin by CorrectionalOfficer.org.

10选一 different master’s level programs 在教育、护理、死亡学、管理学、心理学和公共安全领域.

Earn a bachelor’s degree in any of thirteen specialties. 期待玛丽安开始你在医疗保健、商业或刑事司法方面的职业生涯.